Fill Up Your Cup: Winter 2025

How do you feel about winter? If you’re not a big fan of the wet, the cold and the dark, and things feel a bit bleak heading into the new year, you’re not alone.
You know what might help? Take a Continuing Education class! Of course we’re biased, but here’s our thinking:
- Get cozy – avoid the weather by doing something fun and interesting indoors
- Meet people – enjoy companionship, support, and connections
- Stay active – stave off the doldrums by engaging your mind, body, and spirit
- Choose a positive focus – schedule time for activities that are uplifting
- Feel good – enjoy the natural “happy chemicals” that your body produces when trying new things, accomplishing tasks, doing art and exercise, socializing, and learning -- you might feel downright inspired!
- Skill up – feel more equipped, resilient and sharp to respond to life’s challenges with fresh skills and knowledge
Most classes start in January (some in Feb), and are held on our main campus on Capitol Hill (with lots of transit options). Many classes are online.
Boating classes are in lower Ballard, at the beautiful Seattle Maritime Academy, and some woodworking classes are in the Central District at the lovely Seattle Wood Technology Center.
As is always the case with Continuing Education classes, registration is quick and easy, and classes vary in length, time, and format (and are non-credit). Check each class web page for specific details!
Scroll down to see what's new for winter, including MLK Day & Social Justice events at the end.
Spark Your Curiosity
Find a subject that calls you in our Language Academy, the arts, food craft, wood craft, carpentry & home repair, boating, wellness, writing, and daytime / Broadway Hill Club.
Explore job and technical skills, including certificate programs -- these classes are primarily offered online and most are self-paced.
New & Special Classes for Winter 2025
Introduction to Portraiture
Gain fresh eyes for seeing the world! Learn how to draw vibrant people portraits with a simple graphite pencil, using techniques fine-tuned by the masters. Taught by artist Renee Plevy, for all levels.
Ceramics: Pottery Wheel Basics
Make unique and functional cups and bowls from a simple blob of clay. Enjoy an intro to the pottery wheel in the Capitol Hill ceramics studio of Gabe Virgen. Choose from two options - Wed or Thu evenings (starting 1/15 or 1/23).
The Magic of Shakespeare
Step into the world of Shakespeare with instructor and Renaissance man GregRobin Smith. Examine the times, the author, and, most importantly, the literary tools and techniques of this renowned literary wizard.
Get cozy with writing this winter. These classes are back-to-back so you can take one or both, and enjoy guidance, feedback, and support from two talented writer/teachers:
- Introduction to Memoir Writing - In person, Fridays, 1/10-2/14; 10am-noon - with author Ann Hedreen
- Family Stories - Online, Fridays, 2/21-3/21; 1-2:30 pm - with author E.C. Murray
These classes fill up! For winter you can take Woodworking - Level 1 or Level 2, Basic Carpentry, Basic Home Repair & Maintenance, and others. Check out the full list of woodworking, carpentry and home repair classes.
Carving Series
Find your next favorite hobby! Learn how to use tools safely, select wood, make basic cuts, and use proper techniques. Choose from: Whittling Basics (daytime), Wood Carving: Animals (Thu, 6pm, 2/6-20) and Wood Carving: Fantasy Animals (Thu, 6pm, 2/27-3/13).
Woodworking – Level 2
This class is not offered every quarter so snap it up! If you've taken our Level 1 class, continue learning and practicing techniques while building a small piece of furniture under the tutelage of Charlie Burch.
Coffee: Roasting, Brewing & Sensory Skills
Coffee lovers, immerse yourself in learning about this alluring elixir. Go on a sensory adventure and knowledge quest with chef, food scientist, and cafe/bakery owner, Michael Silver.
Certificate in Grantwriting
Gain the knowledge to become a successful grant writer. Learn a series of essential skills, from project design to development and persuasive writing, and gain practical experience writing a grant for class. With Allison Jones.
Designing & Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions
Software engineers, would like to improve processes working with cross-functional teams? Learn to design systems development with Microsoft Azure with Instructor Jish Nath, online.
Boaters, avail yourself to the expertise of the talented instructors at the beautiful Seattle Maritime Academy. Enjoy a slew of classes for hobbyists, and two new classes for boaters with professional pursuits: Able Seaman Test Prep and How to Get Your Merchant Mariner Credential.
Give yourself the gift of language and culture by taking a class! Winter languages: American Sign Language, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.
Would you like to add more healthy movement to your life? Join us for Chi Kung: Exercise for Wellbeing (Tue, 1/14-3/11, 10-11:30am) or Tai Chi for Health and Balance (Wed, 1/15-3/19; 6-8pm).
Learn about the following classes and programs in a free meet up, with plenty of time for Q&A:
- Translation & Interpretation - 1/7; 5:30pm
- Certificate in Grantwriting - 1/7, noon or 5pm
- Healthcare Certification Training - 1/15, 6pm
- Designing & Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions - by appointment
Our talented instructors are eager to meet you! Please register early to help us plan ahead.
MLK Day Celebration & Social Justice Week
Seattle Colleges is hosting the 52nd Community Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. at South Seattle College on Fri, 1/17, open to all students, instructors and staff. Please RSVP by 1/3 at 5pm. The following week, students, instructors and staff are welcome to participate in MLK Social Justice Week, 1/21-24. Seattle Colleges will be closed on Mon, 1/20, in honor of the federal MLK Day holiday.