Translation and Interpretation: Business and Ethics

Translation and Interpretation photo - Continuing Education at Seattle Central College

Student Reviews

"Instructor was patient and looked to each student's needs.”

"Yuka is very well organized. Her instructions are clear and easy to follow."

"She was a great instructor, the classes were always fun and challenging in good way. Learning new stuff every time. Also she was a great as a professional interpreter/translator. She gave/share with us her knowledge, experience, tips and more. I can’t put into words how much I had a great time in the class."


Class Overview

How often do you think about ethical considerations for translators and interpreters? In this class, you will have the opportunity to explore some of the most discussed and important concerns and code of ethics on a personal and industry level. 

Learn about best business practices in this industry suh as understanding ethical issues, confidentiality, conflicts of interest and how to resolve challenges. Find out about business practices such as developing and maintaining relationships in the industry, marketing, finding a job, and determining your fees.

This class is part of our Translation and Interpretation Certificate Program.

Become more familiar with the field and prepare yourself for the further study in translation and interpretation!

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize and understand code of ethics provided by professional organizations in the industry
  • Find the best possible solutions for ethical concerns and challenges on a personal level 
  • Understand confidentiality, and conflicts of interest
  • Know how to determine fees
  • Be familiar with the best and common business practice as a professional translator and interpreter
  • Know how to find and connect with translation/interpreting service agencies for future business opportunities
  • Build strategies and plan to start and market yourself as a professional translator and interpreter
  • Know how to maintain constructive business relationships with business partners in the translation and interpretation industry


Who Might Enjoy This Class?

Prerequisites: Basic computer skills and the ability to comprehend English and another spoken language at an educated near-native level. Successful completion of Translation and Interpretation: Basic is strongly recommended. No previous translation and/or interpretation experience required.  

  • People who are bilingual or multilingual who wish to become a professional translator or interpreter
  • Anyone who would like to start their own freelance business in the translation and interpretation industry



Class Details