Geno Vergara

Instructor Genoveva Vergara Mendoza's photo - Continuing Education at Seattle Central College

Geno has always been passionate about education and teaching. Her studies include a bachelor's degree in pedagogy at the University of Colima, a master's degree in educational research, and a certificate program for Teaching Spanish at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. She has also begun a Ph.D. in information sciences at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

Geno has extensive experience in higher education, serving as a professor, librarian, and researcher. She is currently based in the state of Washington and passionately combines her dedication as a teacher and faculty librarian. 

Her personal interests include literature, cultural exploration, and educational technology. 

Teaching Style & Class Formats

Geno creates a supportive learning environment in her classes. She promotes active discussion and class participation, employing various tools such as visual aids, media, group projects, songs, and interactive activities. The class environment is characterized by respect and motivation.

Student Reviews

"The teacher, Genoveva Vergara Mendoza, is amazing!"
