Noeun Yim Lodge

Noeun Yim Lodge

Noeun has worked as a personal trainer at Crunch in Bellevue, focusing on teaching classes, boot camps and individual weight training.

She started training over 10 years ago because her family has a history of diabetes. Worried that would be her path as well, she made a choice to get healthy. She explains, "It was hard not knowing what to do when I started, but I was lucky to find teachers that helped me get to where I am today." 

Noeun wanted to pass the knowledge and experience she gained from her teachers on to others. Her experience working with personal trainers and world class bodybuilders has help build her expertise.

She loves personal training and says, "I’ve had success helping people overcome sports injuries to get back to doing what they love, and that is something I find a great deal of happiness in." 

Noeun's Teaching Style & Approach

Noeun focuses on interaction in a group setting, whether that is in person or online. She has a positive, encouraging and high energy style. Loving what she does, she welcomes participants with enthusiasm, saying, "Come, be excited, and lets have some fun!"

Her approach is hands and personal. She demonstrates how to do things, while also doing it together with students. 

Noeun also emphasizes the importance of proper technique and nutrition.  
