The Art Of Creating Inclusive Spaces

Creating Inclusive Workspaces photo - Continuing Education at Seattle Central College

Class Overview

Inclusion is the practice of embracing people in their fullness, giving people as much access to engagement as possible, and treating people with dignity and respect. It's a proactive and ongoing practice. Explore topics such as inclusive leadership behaviors and unconscious biases. Learn about steps you can take to create inclusive spaces in the workplace and in learning environments. Consider how you can adopt inclusive behaviors and combat unconscious bias in various environments. 

The class will demonstrate visible signs of inclusion that are essential indicators of equitable access and respectful programs and services. The overall goal of this class is to enable participants to design and create inclusive environments where everyone feels safe, supported, included, and encouraged to be themselves. 

Participants will be encouraged to intentionally recognize the multiple ways that every individual and group has diversity and find ways to provide equitable access, dignity, and safety to all individuals and groups. This workshop is designed for workplaces and classrooms, virtual or in-person, though the principles can be applied to any group setting.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 

  • Define diversity and inclusion and their importance
  • Adopt inclusive leadership behaviors
  • Develop allyship and support for every individual and group
  • Determine ways to create inclusive spaces for both virtual and physical work and learning spaces
  • Identify and combat unconscious biases 

Who Should Take This Class?

  • Trainers
  • Facilitators
  • Students
  • Faculty members
  • Staff
  • Managers/supervisors
  • Business owners


Class Details