10 Cool Things to Do When It's Hot Outside

10 Cool Things to Do When It's Hot Outside image - Continuing Education at Seattle Central College


Looks like it's going to be a scorcher this week! What to do? Here are some ideas:

  1. Stay hydrated - make fancy cold drinks 
  2. Do Tai Chi in the shade of a big tree 
  3. Go swimming at the beach or pool, pretend you’re an otter
  4. Wear skimpy clothes, play the ukulele and dance around your house/apartment
  5. Soak your feet in a tub of cool water, mmm...
  6. Make amazing art 
  7. Visit the beach for a late night stroll and try Night Photography
  8. Learn a language and plan your next big trip
  9. Play in the sprinklers with the kids, then sign them up for online teen/tween workshops
  10. Take an online class -- learn something wonderful while sitting in front of a fan (and soaking your feet in cool water, while sipping on fancy cold drinks)!

Blog article by Liza Burke - June 24, 2021