Introducing Broadway Hill Club: Classes for Seniors

To help kick off 2023, we are rolling out Broadway Hill Club, the new name for our dynamic class series designed for seniors.
This program is expanding with renewed energy, offering classes on diverse topics during weekdays on Seattle’s vibrant Capitol Hill and online.
Historic Name
Did you know that Capitol Hill was called Broadway Hill before 1901? A blog post on History Link evokes a historic perspective and offers a broader connection with our beloved neighborhood.
By calling the senior class series Broadway Hill Club, we hope to evoke the connection to the neighborhood, and boost the sense of community we hope people feel when participating in our classes.
The Seattle area is the traditional home of the Coast Salish, specifically the Duwamish, the first human caretakers of this place, who are still here to this day.
Engaged Learning in the Brick Building
Broadway Hill Club offers engaging classes on a variety of popular topics, taught by local instructors with expertise in their fields. In-person classes are designed for people who visit or live in and around Seattle’s culturally rich and colorful Capitol Hill neighborhood.
Classes are located at the Seattle Central Campus on Broadway, in the large brick Broadway Edison building. We also offer online classes as well, so people from anywhere can participate, and even invite family and friends to join.
Classes are designed for people interested in lifelong learning, engaging the mind, body, and spirit. Diverse topics include art, such as drawing, painting, and photography, history and current events, language and culture, computer skills, wellness, and supportive movement. See winter classes. Want to print a flier? Here's our winter flier.
The program will also offer free activities and social events to help people get to know each other and develop relationships outside of class.
Cultural Destination
Seattle's vibrant and hip Capitol Hill neighborhood is a hot spot for the arts, cafés, restaurants, clubs, queer culture, and independent stores. Access to public transportation is good, just a couple blocks from the Link light rail station, serviced by several bus lines, and the Seattle Streetcar.
Although classes are geared towards older students, Broadway Hill Club welcomes adults of all ages interested in a dynamic learning environment. If this sounds intriguing, we hope you will check out our classes and contribute to this engaged learning community. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Kick-off and Gallery Tour
You are invited to the Kick-off and Gallery Tour of Broadway Hill Club! It's on December 5. Learn more.